
IT8 is taking part in Foro e² UPV 2019

IT8 is participating on the 10th and 11th of April in Foro e² UPV 2019. It is a forum for employment and entrepreneurship organized by the Universitat Politècnica de València that seeks to be a meeting place for companies, students and graduates looking for a job opportunity, a change of employment or orientation that improves their professional career. More than 120 firms are participating and it is an opportunity to make themselves known among the university community.

It is the second time that IT8 attends this event, since they did it together with the automotive cluster of the Valencian Community (AVIA) in 2018 and the experience was very satisfactory. In fact, it succeeded in making the company known to university students and obtaining a large number of profiles interested in being part of IT8, several of whom have joined the team throughout the year.

From IT8, they hope that this edition will arouse interest and have the same power of convening of the previous year. The firm will explain to the university community their activity and how they contribute to the labor insertion and they hope that they will be identified as a real option to enter the working world from where they can develop professionally. Likewise, they are confident about being able to find talent for the different departments of the company.

In order to present the company and the different profiles required for the development of its activity, Salvador Roselló, IT8 CTO, will give a talk on Digital Factory. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, April the 10th, at 10 am in Salón de actos Rojo of the fair, which will be located in the Campus of Valencia, UPV Central Boulevard, next to Casa del Alumno. In this talk Roselló will define the concept of digital factory, tools and applications, simulation of industrial processes and customization of production.

During the event, all attendees can find information about IT8 in stand 35, from 10 am to 6 pm.

Where we are


Calle Tramuntana 2, Polígono Industrial Juan Carlos I, Almussafes,
Valencia 46440 España


Am Wassermann 29-2OG 50829,
Köln Germany


12707 Nutty Brown RD
Building C200
Austin, TX, 78737


Boulevard Hermanos Serdan No. 292 de la Colonia Villa Posadas
C.P. 72060 Ciudad de Puebla México


GEO House, No 108-E, 6th Main Road 3rd Phase,
Peenya Industrial area Bangalore – 560 058